1. Having brought the kitten home, do not let him run around the apartment, leave him the territory of the kitchen, corridor and toilet. In any case, it is advisable for the first time to limit the space for the new tenant in the apartment to one room, where there are no drafts, there are no holes into which he can escape, and you cannot reach him. It is better to leave it during the habituation period, for example, in the kitchen. There should be a bed, a litter box, bowls for water and food. The food bowl should not stand next to the litter box or bed. Give the kitten a chance to sniff and look around. Be careful when meeting other animals. Put yourself in the kitten's shoes, and you will understand how difficult it is for him in a new situation. If he wants, play with him with a stick toy or a ball. If he does not make contact, huddled in a corner, leave him alone, let him get used to it, be patient. Eventually he will definitely come out to you, want to eat and caress. Usually the first stage of addiction lasts 2-3 days, and after a week he will completely get used to it.
2. Do not use twine, plastic bags, needles, buttons, laces, balls and spools of thread to play. Christmas tree rain, tinsel is very dangerous for cats. There must be nets on the windows (if possible, put “anti-cat” nets). Don't let your kitten out on the open balcony unattended. It is necessary to remove varnishes, paints, detergents and household chemicals in inaccessible places.
3. Try not to spoil the kitten, he must know the word “NO”! It is possible to punish (softly slap) only immediately after the deed, the time threshold between “crime and punishment” should be no more than 4-5 seconds, since the little kitten is not able to associate a later punishment with his act.
Do not spare the time for education (training a kitten), do not assume that someone has already done it for you. The kitten got into a new environment and we need to help him understand what is expected of him. You must instill in him such qualities so that he becomes a pleasant partner in the house for you. Arrange a place to grind your claws. You can rub it with catnip, cats love it very much (there are also sprays based on catnip), it can also handle a couple of toys. You can trim the claws on the front paws of the kitten (the very tips so as not to touch the blood vessel, no more than 3 mm). If a cat walks outside, claws cannot be cut off, this is a means of protection.
A healthy kitten plays well, eats, drinks, often washes, the coat shines, while the kids sleep a lot, especially in bad weather. Stool norms in kittens: from 2 times a day to 1 time in 2 days, if more often – you overfeed the kitten, if less often – constipation (give condensed milk to loosen it up (dissolve 0.5 tsp in water) or 1 / 4 teaspoons of olive oil, forcefully). Diarrhea can be stopped by giving the kitten half a capsule, “Smecta”, “Bifiform” (in a medical pharmacy), pour half of the capsule into a vessel and dissolve in 1.5 ml. water, give from a syringe without a needle to the side into the mouth. If the kitten is lethargic, does not eat, does not drink, unexpectedly diarrhea, vomiting or purulent discharge from the eyes and nose at the same time as occasional sneezing, contact your veterinarian immediately.
The tray can be filled or not. In the first week, the litter box does not need to be cleanly washed, as kittens are guided by smell. If the kitten is confused and the first time went outside the tray, then wet a piece of toilet paper in urine and put it in the tray, then put the kitten in the tray and make digging movements with his paws. Thoroughly wash the place where the kitten went by mistake with a cleaning agent (eg “Domestos”) and can be wiped with vinegar. If the kitten in the mother's house was accustomed to the litter tray, then at first use exactly the filler to which he is accustomed. In the future, you can either gradually remove the amount of filler if you plan to accustom him to an empty tray with a lattice, or gradually displace the filler familiar to your baby, replacing it with a new one, more convenient for you. Do not let go or carry the kitten around the rooms until he is fully accustomed to the litter box.
Don't worry if your kitten refuses to eat for the first time. Offer him something tasty from time to time, and then put it away if he doesn't want to. Try to give warm food (not immediately from the refrigerator). At the age from 2 to 4 months, it is recommended to feed the kitten 4-5 times a day, 4-8 months - 3 times a day. From 8 months - 2 times a day (more often, it depends on your cat).
The set of products recommended for cats includes: beef – raw meat without bones, hold in the freezer for 24 hours, chop finely. Fowl – only boiled meat without bones and skin; boiled egg – yolk (no more than 2 times a week);
fat cottage cheese (18%, 9%), kefir, yogurt, curdled milk; only sea fish, boiled, boneless (no more than 2-3 times a month).
Porridge: semolina, rice, oatmeal;
grated vegetables: carrots and cabbage, zucchini or pumpkin. A little unrefined vegetable oil is added to vegetables. You can cook for small kittens porridge in milk, but without butter. It would be nice to feed the kitten with minced meat on the basis of a drop of oatmeal, adding there boiled hard-boiled yolk, a drop of vitamin (vitamin for cats), it is even better to purchase the vitamin paste Daily Vitamin Supplement. If possible, plant oats in a pot (sold in poultry departments) to prevent wool from clogging up the stomach.
Until the age of two months, it is better not to give a kitten dry food, and if canned food, then only those intended for feeding kittens. As they grow older, you can include dry food in his diet. Expensive dry foods are preferable to cheap ones that contain a lot of vegetable protein. Good artificial feed: canned food - Yams, Hills, Nutra Choice, Leshat, Bazita, Royal Canin, Proplan;
Dry food for a kitten up to one year old: Akana, Origen, cheaper – Royal Canin for kittens (or look for the mark “for kittens” on super premium food), for an adult – Akana, Origen, Farmina N&D, Yams, Hills, Proplan, Eagle Pak, Royal Canin (others marked “super premium”)
Kittens should not be given fatty, salty, smoked, sweet (herring, smoked sausage, sausages). It is forbidden to give raw: fish, chicken, turkey, eggs. It is forbidden to give pork in any form!
The kitten must have constant access to fresh drinking water. Change the water in the bowl as often as possible.